Dec 09 2021

Share More Merry: How To Spread Cheer Together This Christmas

There are so many little moments that make Christmas so magical. Trying to perfectly curl the ribbon that’s wrapped around all the gifts. Standing on your tip toes to put the star on top of the tree. Deciding what toppings should go on the pavlova. Lovingly writing out cards. Driving around to look at the neighbourhood Christmas lights. The list goes on!

As we count down to Christmas, here are a few ways to spread the holiday cheer and share more merry with those around you!

Play music and sing songs!

Whether your favourite Christmas song is ‘Last Christmas’ by Wham! or ‘Christmas Tree Farm’ by Taylor Swift, there’s no doubt that Christmas music gets almost everyone feeling very merry.

  • If you’re throwing a festive party this Christmas, ask everyone to send through their favourite Christmas song when they RSVP and use the list to create a playlist for the party. You’re sure to hear old favorites, discover some new ones, and even find a few funny ones in there. Your guests will be so excited when they hear their favourite song start to play!
  • Another way to bring the joy of music into the Christmas season is through caroling! If you’re feeling ready to belt out a few jolly melodies to people outside of your shower, get in touch with local choir groups, churches, hospitals, or nursing homes to see if any opportunities are available.

Try out something new!

While old traditions can bring a warm glow to the heart, we always say that there’s always room for more.

  • Decorate your Christmas tree in a brand-new theme each year! Not only is it a great way to remember each Christmas in a beautiful, yet different light, there’s so much fun in picking out the theme with those you love most and mapping out how you want it to look. Whether you go by colour themes, or something more niche like your favourite tv shows or movies, there are so many possibilities and ways to hide little easter eggs throughout your tree that your guests will have fun trying to figure out when they visit.
  • Start a recipe lottery! To help you add more recipes to your repertoire, contact those you love and ask them to each give you a much-loved Christmas recipe. Then each weekend, try and tackle a new one! It’s a great way to not only improve your cooking skills, but the results are delicious and can be shared with friends, family, neighbours, and other wonderful people in your life.

Share what you have!

’Tis the season for giving, and there are big and small ways your generosity can make someone’s Christmas extra jolly. There are countless ways to share what you have… no matter your budget.

  • Don’t know what to do with last year’s too-small coats or shoes that are no longer your favourite? Donate them to a charity or homeless shelter. There are plenty of charities (both small and large) that require everyday clothing and accessories for those in need, especially charities that look after refugees that have arrived in Australia with nothing but the clothes on their back. It’s a great opportunity to clean out your closet and put together a care pack to make someone feel loved!
  • Visit an animal shelter to share the Christmas love! While you have a lovely warm home this Christmas, there are many animals that aren’t as lucky who are craving love and affection. Take some treats and old blankets or towels and even offer your time by walking dogs or cuddling cats, it would help them out a lot!

Be a good neighbour!

There’s no time like Christmas to reach out to those who are quite literally the closest to us: our neighbours. Showing you care, even in small ways, can mean so much. You would totally win the Best Neighbor of the Year award if that were a thing. And it should really be a thing.

  • Extend an invitation to dinner. It doesn’t have to be fancy, and it’s always a nice gesture. Ask them what their favourite meal is and see if they would like to cook it with you. It’s a great way to bond and learn new skills.
  • Check in on your elderly neighbors. Offer to help them with their gardening or some small, odd jobs around the house in preparation for Christmas. It’s a great way to offer your time and get done some tasks that they may not have had the money available for.

Reach out and remind people of the good!

Consider some of these ways to really guarantee your spot at the top of Santa’s nice list. And the best thing of all? You can do all of these things year-round to really keep the good cheer going.

  • Hang out with someone you suspect could use some company! Go through your phone and your social media and get in touch with people you haven’t heard from in a while, or you know may be having a tough time. A simple hello and a note to say that you care could truly save a life in more ways than one.
  • Stick nice notes in unexpected places for your friends, family (or even strangers) to find. From little compliments, or quotes that remind us of all the good in the world, grab a sharpie and some post it notes and have fun getting creative!

We hope this has inspired you to Share More Merry this Christmas and brighten the lives of those around you with kind gestures they will never forget.