Empowering others with encouragement

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As we go through life, setbacks and struggles are an inevitable part of our journey.

Luckily, we don’t need to get through life on our own, and we don’t have to let anyone else get through those tricky times alone either!

Sometimes, a little bit of encouragement is exactly what someone needs to push them past those tough days, to keep pursuing their goals and dreams.

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We can show others our support by writing them a thoughtful message, or sending a smile in an encouragement card, no matter what they might be trying to get through.

You may be in a situation where you want to reach out but aren’t sure what to say. In this article, we have put together some suggestions to help you express how you really feel in a personal message to go inside an encouragement card, depending on the situation.

Powerful positivity

Starting a new job, daunting final exam, delivering an important presentation, embarking on a new business venture… A little bit of cheer might be what your recipient needs to help them calm their nerves.


  • “You’ve got this.”
  • “Good luck today! I know you’ll be great.”
  • “Sending good vibes your way.”
  • “I know this won’t be easy, but I also know that if anyone can get through it, you can.”
  • “Remember, you’re amazing!”
  • “Thinking of you today! I hope you believe in yourself as much as I believe in you.”

PRO TIP: Think about what your recipient needs to hear, do they believe in luck or will self-belief be more motivating?

A nice touch and a simple reminder

In some situations, actions mean more than words - maybe the card itself expresses your thoughts perfectly, or you don’t want to say the wrong thing. Whatever the reason, it’s totally okay to show the recipient that you’re there for them when they need you, with a simple gesture.


  • “I’m only a text or phone call away.”
  • “You’re in my thoughts and prayers.”
  • “I really hope you have a better day today.”
  • “You are incredibly strong.”
  • “Looking forward to seeing you soon.”
  • “I’m here for you, no matter what.”
  • “Hoping you don’t feel alone as you go through all this. Thinking of you and with you all the way.”

PRO TIP: These kinds of short, thinking-of-you style messages are also a great way to follow up an initial encouragement card.

Physical Health Challenges

Suffering from an injury, undergoing surgery, or battling an illness of any kind, is difficult and recovery can be slow, painful, and frustrating. Anyone in this situation may feel like life is racing by without them.

You can remind them that focusing on getting themselves better is the most important thing they can do, and life will be waiting for them once they are back to full health.


  • “Hoping you’ll be back to feeling your best again very soon”
  • “You are inspiring – you should be proud of how far you’ve come.”
  • “The most important thing right now is to focus on your recovery… everything else can wait.”
  • “Sending healing vibes, happy thoughts and heartfelt get well wishes your way.”
  • “You are being so patient and so strong. Hang in there.”
  • “I know your body has definitely felt better, but how’s the rest of you doing? I’m right here if you need to talk, vent, rant, whatever.”

PRO TIP: It can be hard to relate to someone who is feeling disheartened during a long recovery. Whether they need time alone or a hand to hold, be an active listener, and take the time to understand what they need from you.

Mental Health Challenges

Challenges one might face aren’t always visible on the outside. Encouragement to someone experiencing mental health challenges may help the person feel heard, appreciated, and cared for so that they know that they don’t have to face the world alone.


  • “It’s okay not to be okay.”
  • “I’m here if you need someone to listen.”
  • “You mean a lot to me.”
  • “I don’t know what you’re going through feels like, and I really wish that you didn’t have to know, either.”
  • “I care about you, and I’m here for you, always.”
  • “On our happiest days and in our saddest moments, our friends are with us. I love you, no matter what.”
  • “If you ever need to talk, or cry, or watch sad movies together, I’m your guy.”
  • “I wish I knew what would be helpful right now, but I figured a cute card couldn’t hurt? Thinking of you.”
  • “Just wanted to say we miss you. Please let us know if there is any way we can help.”

PRO TIP: If you’re not sure if a loved one will be up for visitors, grab a pen and reach out with a few encouraging words. It is the next best way to let someone know you’re there for them.

New chapters and sudden changes

Finishing university, quitting a job, breaking off a relationship, or moving out on your own.

These are occasions that are often downplayed but can change the trajectory of one’s life and open a world full of opportunities. Because these things take a huge amount of bravery and self-determination, a little bit of extra encouragement can go a long way.


  • “I’m proud of you for taking this step.”
  • “Hearts take time to heal. Be kind to yourself.”
  • “Sometimes a difficult ending opens the door to a bright new beginning. Wishing you all the strength you need right now.”
  • “I know this wasn’t an easy decision to make, but you’ve got to do what’s right for you. I will support you no matter what.”
  • “You are brave. You are independent. You are powerful… You have totally got this.”
  • “You’ve got your whole future ahead of you, make it count!”
  • “Whatever path you choose, there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll
  • succeed.”
  • “Hang in there. The right position is out there waiting for you.”

PRO TIP: While it may seem like just a part of life for some, others might feel anxious about what lies ahead. When sending this kind of note of encouragement to your recipient, acknowledge their challenges but focus your message on hope for their future.

When a giggle is the best medicine

It’s not always easy to see the bright side of things when times are tough, stressful, or in a transition. Sometimes, a word of encouragement through a smile and a laugh is the best motivation.


  • “Just wanted to send you a smile today.”
  • “I’m coming over, and I have wine.”
  • “I asked Alexa if she thinks you’re gonna get through this, and she said she has no doubt. You’ve got this!”
  • “I’m lucky to have a role model like you.”
  • “My mum thinks you’re cool; that says a lot.”
  • “You know what they say… When life gives you lemons, I’ll bring the tequila!”
  • “You’re doing great, sweetie!”

PRO TIP: Adding home-baked goods, a flower, or a sentimental photo can be a meaningful addition to take the impact of your light-hearted message to the next level.

For the special child or teen in your life

Setbacks and challenges face children and teens as they grow and progress quickly through different stages of life. In tricky or stressful situations, love and encouragement from the adults they trust can mean the world to any child or teen.


  • “I know school is tough right now, but I’m proud of the way you’re handling it. Keep it up!”
  • “This might not have been what you were hoping for, but you never gave up. That makes you a winner in my book.”
  • “You’re the coolest, smartest, funniest, and most wonderful 10-year-old I know!”
  • “The world is yours, you’ve totally got this!”
  • “Dad and I believe in you! (Benji hasn’t said, but we’re pretty sure he does too.)”
  • “The way you stand up for what you believe in inspires me.”